Teaching a dyslexic child the alphabet can be frustrating for both you and your child. However, there is an approach you can use that can help you and your child prepare for school. Using clay to teach your child the alphabet can help them to gain a better grip on language, and make learning a more enjoyable experience for both of you.  

How Dyslexic Children Process Information

Dyslexic children have trouble visually processing words, this is because a dyslexic child thinks in pictures rather than words. In order to address the gap that traditional educational methods may leave in your child's education, you have to find a teaching method that engages how your child's brain works.

Building a Bridge With Clay

Using standard flash cards and writing practice may be difficult for a dyslexic child to understand because these two-dimensional learning techniques don't add up to the multifaceted pictures your child is using to understand the world. This is where modeling clay comes in. To help your child memorize the alphabet, have them sculpt the modeling clay into the letter or word you're trying to teach them. This gives them the opportunity to fully commit that letter to memory and be able to identify it more easily.

Have your child pronounce the letter a few times, and tell a story about it. Taking these actions helps to paint a complete picture of that letter for your child and will help them be able to grasp the alphabet more easily. They're able to feel and shape every letter, and by doing so your child builds additional neural pathways in their brain.

Preparing To Read

After your child has a firm grasp on the alphabet, you may want to edge them toward reading. The method with clay is similar to the one used to learn the alphabet, only more in-depth. It all starts by picking your child's favorite short story, or by writing on of your own. Using the same method you did for your child to learn the alphabet, have them sculpt entire words this time, instead of only letters.

You want your child to sculpt not only the letters that make up each word, but also sculpt a small scene demonstrating the meaning of that word. Then you want them to pronounce the word, and explain what it means to them. Having your child perform these actions together will help to build additional pathways and will increase your child's ability to recognize words. 

For further information or ideas, contact a local kindergarten, such as Triple R Child Care.
